Art Therapy for Children and Young people
Services Offered
One on One Consultations for both children and young people.
In my work with children and young people I strive to uphold the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the child.
Click here to view video of this Declaration.
Online sessions are available via Zoom and Face to face. While COVID is still in place, I adhere to health protocols of masks, physical distancing and only offering Art materials that I can disinfect. I continue to be very flexible and adaptable in during COVID19 and can discuss with you what we need to do, to make sessions work.
Art Therapy is available using a variety of different mediums or Sandplay therapy which provides the sensory opportunity to explore issues using sand and figurines.
I can support children and young people especially those in Victoria who have endured months of homeschooling and lockdowns, process these experiences and help them move to a new normal beyond 2021. I offer support with their mental health, anxiety, emotional literacy, school refusal, trauma, emotional well-being, building resilience and practising mindfulness. If there are other specific areas not mentioned, please contact me to discuss.
Group Art Therapy 4 Kids and Young people
I am available to facilitate the following programs:
(a) Kreative Kidz
An Expressive Art Therapy program promoting emotional and mental well-being in primary school aged children. Key features are building safety and trust in relationships.
The program encourages children to:
I can help schools design and implement a group program for their students or offer 1-1 sessions.This is funded through the Victorian Education Department- an initiative of the Schools Mental Health Menu being rolled out in 2022. Click here to view the Menu and Art therapy possibilities.
(b) Group Art Therapy-Time for Young People
Both Kreative Kids and Time for Young People are not Art classes but Expressive Arts, where they have the opportunity to express and make meaning of what's important to them in the moment.
No experience of Art is required.The groups are about the process of making Art and being creative and imaginative.We don't compare, interpret or judge each others work, but rather act curiously and offer encouragement and perserverance.
To maximise the benefits for all kids and young people, there is a minimum number of 6 per group for 1.5-2 hour blocks for at least 4-6 weeks.Fees, venue, dates and times can be negotiated with myself through funding bodies.
School based or auspiced Welfare Agency group programs in Art Therapy or Well-being
The content of these groups will be driven by the needs of the child /young people's client group, through referral from well-being officers, school counsellors, principals,case managers. Areas I specialise in are: helping children/ young people adjust to the new normal post COVID 19, emotional literacy, anxiety, mindfulness and art, well-being, school refusal, trauma.
Give me a call if you would like me to facilitate a group for you.
Many thanks for the sparkle and positivity you've added to Invermay Primary school over the last 5 years.You've made a real difference for so many of our students and staff across your many volunteer roles. Justin Marshman-Principal
Marie Thanks for your beautiful compassion, commitment and support you have given students, staff and me. Cath- Well being Co-ordinator
"Hippy Art Stuff"-12 year old Art Therapy client who loved it
I can’t believe this was me
That was fun
I still have the box
I had fun sewing
I loved that
13x 1-1 sessions Kinship Care
1-1 sessions
“During my art therapy sessions, my favourites were making stories in the sandtray, walking in your garden, choosing flowers and then collaging them. It was cool to express my feelings and I enjoyed making a tiger with clay and listening to “ROAR” from Katie Perry. I did feel like a champion. I wish I could do more sessions.”
14 year old client with Cystic Fibrosis
1-1 sessions 14 year old female
"My client has found the sessions extremely beneficial and both her Nan (primary carer) and the school staff have seen a noticeable positive change in her mood and attitude since the art therapy sessions begun. Prior to these sessions, if she was feeling upset, frustrated or angry she would tend to withdraw and was unable to communicate these feelings. Although it is a slow process, my client now appears able to identify how she is feeling and use strategies and tools learnt through the art therapy sessions to assist her to cope with these feelings. As well as this she loves art and it seems that allowing her a space to develop these skills has increased her overall confidence and wellbeing." Julia Coulthurst Social Worker Mirabel Foundation Dec 2015
(Mirabel assists children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to parental illicit drug use and are now in the care of extended family (kinship care).
What do you like best about coming to Kreative Kids?
• "Doing Art, making clay, doing the sandtray, playing with all the art stuff"- MW
• "Creating things with pastels"- CMG
• "Doing outside things in the garden with the flowers and making our own play dough"- ALM
• "Creating all different pictures using all kinds of flowers in the garden"-EMG
• "Making the car from boxes"- PW
• "Doing a story with clay and making my car"-BMW
• "Doing clay, getting praise at end, making our own play dough"- KLM
• “I’m in Clay Heaven"-AM
"Marie I think you’re fantastic, your understanding and empathy build trust.”
-Mother of 6 yr old after 5 x 1-1 Sandplay Therapy sessions.
“Sandplay Therapy has made me stronger in school and with my family. It has really helped me and to showed me the path to awesome me!Thank you for all your help and support.”
-TS 13yrs
“Marie thankyou for your help with my son over the past 2 terms”. Since he has been coming to you he has gained lots of confidence and is not such a stressed and nervous child.”
Mother NR for 6 yr old son.Kreative Kidz
Contact and More Information
Children naturally gravitate to play and creativity.
Teens too love the freedom to create meaningful art connected to their lives.
Choosing Creative Arts Therapy for your child or teen could be the best decision you make as a parent in supporting their mental health and well being.
Contact me on 0409 954 703 or email
I would love to hear from you.♥